Depression Visits Again

Much thanks to HealthyPlace.com and an anonymous donor for donating money for my Walk for NAMI this weekend. To find out more visit Super Bipolar Brain and Body.
I walked this weekend even though I visited my psychiatrist last week and she told me that I'm depressed. She put me on Pristiq until I can get over the hump of it. I have just been feeling sad and alone because of my father's death. This holiday season will be particularly hard on me. I always had my dad. He always called me on my birthday, which is this week, and we talked every few days. It's been difficult not being able to call him and ask him questions and to hear his voice. I wanted to spend Thanksgiving with him this year since he was finally living in the States, but that is not meant to be. And then there's Christmas. I wanted to spend Christmas with him, too.
But, it wasn't meant to be and I have to deal with that. I guess I'm not dealing as well as I thought I was. But I know it will get better.
About the Author: Cristina C. Fender, 34, is rapidly becoming an expert on Bipolar Disorder. She has been researching Bipolar Disorder and blogging about her own experiences for several years. At age 21 she was diagnosed with depression and saw psychiatrists for over ten years before she was correctly diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder I. Her vision for writing at Raw Writing for the Real World of Bipolar is to inform and educate the public about mental illness. Feel free to Email Cristina a comment or a question.Click here to Subscribe in a Reader.
© 2009 Cristina C. Fender