Is anyone else tired on Lithium?

I got off my Geodon a couple of months ago because the shakes were hard to handle. I increased my Lithium a month ago and I've been so tired ever since.
I thought it was my lack of exercise that was making me tired so I tried exercising. I was still tired. I let my exercise regimen lag because I was so tired.
Is it the Lithium that is making me so tired or is something else medically wrong with me? I don't know...I'm going to have some tests done to find out.
In the meantime, I'm going to ask my psychiatric nurse to add back in the Geodon along with Cogentin to control the shakes. She doesn't think it will work to control the shakes, but I'll willing to experiment. I think that the Geodon will help control my paranoia and my irritability. I think the Lithium is making me tired and, well, I'm tired of that!
I don't know if I should add the Geodon right now or after my oldest goes back to school. Geodon makes me so exhausted for the first two weeks that I increase the dose. Definitely no alcohol for me, although I haven't had a drink for ages. My only vice for now is cigarettes and I'm even cutting back on those, hoping that I'll stop smoking soon. I went almost a week without cigarettes, but then I got so stressed out that I started smoking again. Now I'm only smoking 5 cigarettes a day. Yesterday I smoked even less.
Anyway, I'll prevail! I always bounce back!
About the Author: Cristina C. Fender, 34, has been researching Bipolar Disorder and blogging about her own experiences for several years. At age 21 she was diagnosed with depression and saw psychiatrists for over ten years before she was correctly diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder I. Her vision for writing at Raw Writing for the Real World of Bipolar is to inform and educate the public about mental illness. Feel free to Email Cristina a comment or a question.Click here to Subscribe in a Reader.
© 2009 Cristina C. Fender