Life is a Journey...

I've climbed mountains and walked through valleys in my lifetime. Some days are good, some days are bad. Faith in my own strength keeps me going and the love of my family. I welcome you to my journey.

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My Father's in Hospital AGAIN

My dad had a blister that popped on his leg. He finally went to go see the doctor about it. Of course he had an infection. He was rushed to the hospital in an ambulence and then into surgery to remove the staph infection under his skin. He may need to have another surgery soon.

I spoke to him yesterday and he sounded okay. He was in ICU for a while, but he got out last night. I have yet to talk to him this morning, but will be putting in a call soon.

*Sigh* He just can't stay healthy. He doesn't take care of himself. This irritates and saddens me at the same time, but what can I do? If I hover he gets mad. If I don't hover I get anxious. He didn't even call me to tell me he was in the hospital this time. My aunt called me a day later. Ugh! I guess when I told him I was worried about the possible cancer scare, he didn't want to worry me further. Damned if I do and damned if I don't!

Okay, I'm off to calm down and then call him. I wish he wasn't so far away!

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© 2009 Cristina Fender


  1. roxanne s. sukhan said...

    Sorry grrrrl, to hear this. I don't promise to have any answers, but please do email me anytime if you want to know medical stuff, or if you just want to vent or dump. Hugs.

  2. Anonymous said...

    1. Bi-polar people chronically self-medicate through alcohol and/or drugs.
    2. Bi-polars are pathological liars.
    3. Bi-polars are fiscally irresponsible.
    4. Bi-polars are dangerous to those around them.
    5. Bi-polars use sex as a tool, and are chronically promiscuous and serial philanderers.
    6. Bi-polars are often very violent.

    I hope your husband knows what he's in for. If he's smart he'd run for the hills, because your marriage will never last.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Hello, I think you should tell your nurse practitioner what is really going on. You are not safe to be around anyone. Please don't mix alcohol and your meds. You should see a psychiatrist. You really need some help. What are the girls doing while your answering all these e-mails. You need to work on a good relationship with your husband. You guys have got to work together. Take care and find better help,be honest it will only help you.

  4. Woodrow Call said...

    Hang in there Chica. Realize your limitations and focus on what you can actually do for your father. It will take some of the stress out for ya. thoughts are with you and your family.

    PS.. I think Anonymous knows me. :^)

  5. Anonymous said...

    I am shocked that you would use bi-polar as an excuse to get high and drink while taking care of your children. Children and YOuth services should come and take your children or have you committed. Having a mental illness is extremely hard, I know this, but you are a danger and a poison to everyone, I feel incredibly sorry for your children. Do you actually think they are not going to figure out what you are doing, did you ever think how difficult it is for them and your husband. The best thing for you to do is get your ass into a psych hospital and let your family have the chance at a real life, not with a hopped up mom, let me guess you take your two year old in the car with you while stoned or out buying your drugs, I bet soon she will think your little cocktail tastes good too. Don't abuse the name of bipolar for the rest of us who are honest and who actually deal with depression and more without a cop out. You sicken me. Try to seriously think about what would be best for your children, and realize that you are not, and take action to get yourself put away.

  6. Psych Client said...

    I'm sorry your dad is in the hospital. Very sorry hang in there.

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