Life is a Journey...

I've climbed mountains and walked through valleys in my lifetime. Some days are good, some days are bad. Faith in my own strength keeps me going and the love of my family. I welcome you to my journey.

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Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

The following symptoms are indicative of bipolar disorder. These may also be present in depressive disorder.

  • Irritability: Everyone becomes irritable sometimes, but when the feeling persists and every litttle thing irritates you then this is a symptom. For example, when I'm irritable everyone from my cat to my kids to my husband to random people on the street irritate the bejesus out of me.
  • Anger: When irritability turns into shouting, then that's anger. If you're driving down the street and your blood boils because the car in front of you won't move fast enough, then that's anger. When you explode because your kid left a toy on the floor and you almost trip on it, then that's anger. When your husband forgot to tell you to take the meat out of the freezer and you explode, then that's anger.
  • Worry/Anxiety: When your worry or anxiety turns into obsessive and racing thoughts then it's a symptom of bipolar. Let's say you're worried that you might miss a phone call and you carry your phone in your pocket all day and then you check the phone constantly thinking you might've missed the phone call then that's the worry/anxiety symptom. When you can't stop thinking of something all day because you're worrying about it, that's anxiety.
  • Pessimism: No body likes me. I'm never going to get that apartment. Those are examples of negativity for no reason. Pessimism is a difficult cycle to remove oneself. One starts with one person doesn't like me and moves on to everybody doesn't like me. Even if one wants to escape the cycle, it proves rather difficult.
  • Indifference: The dishes need to be done, the laundry needs to be done, the bills needs to be done, but you don't care. Your friend calls with a problem and you nod and murmur the appropriate things, but you don't really care. You are indifferent simply because you can't care. Your programming is off.
  • Self-critical: Did you forget to turn off the stove? You're an idiot. Did you forget to pay that bill? You're a bigger idiot. Did you forget to apply to a job you've been wanting? Need I say more? You will be harder on yourself than anyone else ever was or could be. You forgot that teeny tiny spot in the corner? How could you miss that? and so on.

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  1. GirlBlue said...

    Oh yes just in case I needed any more proof of what I am *sighs*

  2. Don said...

    Interesting post. I worry alot myself. I don't anger easily, but I do tend to allow the little things to bother me.

    I would like to invite you to check out a friend of mines blog. She's an advocate for mental health. She's a very powerful poet, as well. I think you will enjoy her blog. I think she will enjoy yours as well.

    Here is the URL:

  3. Bradley said...

    I recognize that
    Good descriptions.

  4. Anonymous said...

    all checks for me, its sooooooo me! (esp the racing thoughts part). i used to blog about my being bipolar and i was a part of this bipolar planet ring. i thought i was ok for sometime, i also stopped blogging only to have another manic episode just recently. well, i'm back and will be blogging again just like before. i found your site from the ring btw. i'll sure be back to read more of your entries. cheers!

  5. Anonymous said...

    Bipolar disorder is an illness of severe mood swings. Mania and depression are the highs and lows of this disorder. Typically it is diagnosed in young adults age 18 years and older. It affects men and women equally. The disorder can run in families.

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