Life is a Journey...

I've climbed mountains and walked through valleys in my lifetime. Some days are good, some days are bad. Faith in my own strength keeps me going and the love of my family. I welcome you to my journey.

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Bipolar Hallucinations

Do you have bipolar I or II? If you have bipolar II, then you will be excluded from seeing or hearing things. Delusions, paranoia and hallucinations are exclusive to Bipolar I.

My hallucinations have included hearing my name when it wasn't called, ringing or buzzing in my ears, seeing a picture of an eye wink at me, and seeing men's faces in trees. These hallucinations occurred when I was very manic. Since I've been on my recent medications I haven't heard or seen any hallucinations--not even the little bugs I used to see crawling around all over the place.

My hallucinations really freaked me out. I've heard the buzzing and ringing in my ears and I've seen non-existent bugs crawling around me, but it wasn't until I really saw things that I began to freak out. Seeing the men in trees around my house made me really paranoid. I thought they were going to invade my house. The hallucinations led to paranoia. Anybody's who been paranoid knows that's not a good thing.

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  1. Mr B The Tech Teacher said...

    Wait...those things aren't normal??


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